My trade company started on February 1st, 2012, after a 11-year experience with a major wine trade agency operating in the swiss-german market.

Before that, I had a 13-years experience with an Italian wine producer, taking care of the foreign markets such as Europe, North America, Canada and Japan.

Actually the main focus is on the German language markets, Germany, Switzerland and Austria, with an eye on North Europe and Netherlands.

The wineries that I have the pleasure to represent are first of all “friends” then “producers”, creators of great wines and great ideas.

The base of every project must be the “person”

The main concept is that the base of the project is the “person”.

In my view the goal “sale” is subordinated again, after many years, to the human relationships, created during the process, and to the persons:  discovering who’s taking all his passion into each bottle meets who’s taking the same passion proposing that bottle on the market.

Creating and recovering the relationships between producer, agent and customer are in my opinion the fundamental processes to create a high quality network for the wines that I’m proud to represent.